Monday, December 21, 2009

What substances does egg white contains that makes it a effective facial scrub or facial mask?

I really need it...What substances does egg white contains that makes it a effective facial scrub or facial mask?
Ovalbumin ... because of its protein properties. Be SURE to spell it correctly and don't just say albumen, which would be incorrect. People often get these confused.

Here is the full list of its constituent proteins:

Ovalbumin 54%

Conalbumin 13%

Ovomucoid 11%

Lysozyme 3.5%

Globulins (G2, G3) 8.0% (?)

Ovomucin 1.5%

Other: flavoprotein (.8%), ovoglycoprotein (.5%), ovomacroglobulin (.5%), ovoinhibitor (.1%) and avidin (.05%).

Those proteins dry to a tight consistency as the water evaporates.

It's also interesting to note that in the egg, the white protects the key center ....... so its very nature is to be helpful and protective! ;-)

Good luck!

p.s. There is also an issue of viscosity and motility but I suspect you were not asking about that?What substances does egg white contains that makes it a effective facial scrub or facial mask?
considering its 90% water, ill have to say was with water and youll have no problem

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